AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Utopian Communities (Day 109/309)
Oct 22, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of Utopian Communities in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
19th Century Experimental Communities, Reddit
Significant changes in America fueled a desire by some to create ideal societies based on principles of equality and cooperation. Territorial expansion created opportunities for these groups to withdraw from conventional society.
The Oneida Community Home Building, 1907, Wikimedia Commons
The Oneida Community was a cooperative community in New York. They were dedicated to equality, perfectionism, and were criticized for their practice of “free love.”
Brook Farm, Wikimedia Commons
Brook Farm in Massachusetts was influenced by the transcendentalist ideas of Ralph Waldo Emerson. They focused on intellectual and manual labor as a path to personal and societal improvement.
Shakers, Britannica
The Shakers had over 6,000 members in multiple communities in the northeast and west. They believed in celibacy, communal living, and gender equality.
In the early republic, as there was increased focus on the rights of individuals and massive economic changes, some Americans sought perfectionism by withdrawing from traditional cultural expectations and forming utopian communities.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Second Great Awakening in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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