AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: The Rise of Industrial Capitalism (Day 178/309)
Dec 30, 2023
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about Rise of Industrial Capitalism as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Solvay Process Co.'s works, Syracuse, Library of Congress
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the United States experienced a period of rapid economic development. Several factors contributed to America's rise into the leading industrial power in the world.
Logging Train, Michigan History
The abundance of natural resources was essential to industrialization. Access to large quantities of coal, iron ore, copper, lead, timber, and oil facilitated industrial output.
U.S. Population, Wikimedia Commons
The growing population with the arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants provided the necessary labor force and market for industrial goods.
Bessemer Process, Science Photo Library
The development of new technology coupled with investments from Europeans allowed for economic expansion as productivity and efficiency increased. The federal government also supported business operations and commercial enterprises.
In the late 19th century, industrial capitalism rose due to the abundance of natural resources, the growing population, new technologies, investments, and federal support which fueled economic expansion.
Join me tomorrow as I explain Industrial Technological Innovation in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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