AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Marbury v. Madison (Day 79/309)
Sep 22, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of Marbury v. Madison in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Significant People in Marbury v. Madison, Wikimedia Commons: John Adams (appointed Marbury), Thomas Jefferson (voided Marbury’s commission), William Marbury (plaintiff), James Madison (withheld Marbury’s commission)
When Jefferson took office, he blocked the last minute, or “midnight appointments” of Federal judges by former President Adams. He ordered Secretary of State James Madison not to deliver the commissions, or their authorization of employment.
Judiciary Act of 1789, Wikimedia Commons
William Marbury, one of those judges, sued. The Supreme Court determined that Marbury did have a right to his commission based on the Judiciary Act of 1789.
Marbury v. Madison Court opinion, Oyez
However, they then determined that the Judiciary Act was unconstitutional because it gave the courts greater power than the Constitution allowed. So, Marbury would not receive the commission.
Marbury v. Madison Quotation, Wikimedia Commons
This case established the crucial principle of judicial review. This is the power of the courts to decide whether an act of Congress or the President is constitutional.
Through Marbury v. Madison, the Supreme Court first utilized judicial review to declare a federal law unconstitutional. This power has been essential for maintaining the system of checks and balances.
Join me tomorrow as I explain Jefferson & Foreign Affairs in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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