AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Louisiana Purchase (Day 77/309)
Sep 20, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of the Louisiana Purchase in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Thomas Jefferson, Library of Congress
When Jefferson took office in 1801, he attempted to adhere to the guiding principles of Democratic-Republicans for a limited government. He reduced the size of the military, eliminated many federal jobs, and repealed some taxes.
1804 Map of Louisiana, Wikimedia Commons
In 1803, however, Jefferson faced a major dilemma when the French offered to sell all of the Louisiana territory to the United States for just $15 million. This was a challenging decision for Jefferson as there was no constitutional basis for purchasing foreign land.
Louisiana Purchase, Wikimedia Commons
On the other hand, Jefferson and Democratic Republicans strongly supported the idea of an agrarian society. Jefferson proposed ratification of the purchase as a treaty and the United States more than doubled its land claims.
Lewis and Clark on the Lower Columbia, Wikimedia Commons
Quickly, expedition efforts, including the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery aided by Sacagawea, set out to explore the territory, develop relationships with American Indians, and create maps for future settlement.
While Jefferson sought to limit the power of the federal government, he ultimately chose to purchase the Louisiana Territory to achieve his goal of an agricultural society with independent farmers.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the Marshall Court in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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