AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Late 20th Century Conservative Views (Day 295/309)
Apr 28, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about Late 20th Century Conservative Views as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Republican “Contract with America” 1994
Late 20th-century conservative views in the United States were shaped by a commitment to traditional values, limited government intervention, and free-market principles.
U.S. Defense Spending, Wikimedia Commons
They emphasized the need for a strong national defense and a robust foreign policy to protect American interests and combat global threats, particularly from communist adversaries.
Reagan’s Cube, Etta Hulme
Economically, conservatives favored deregulation, lower taxes, and free trade, believing that market forces and entrepreneurship were key drivers of prosperity and innovation.
Minneapolis Protest, NPR
Socially, conservatives opposed progressive reforms such as affirmative action and same-sex marriage, arguing for a return to traditional gender roles and cultural norms.
“What Happened to the One We Used to Have,” Library of Congress
They also advocated for strict immigration controls and border security measures to preserve national identity and security.
Conservative views in the late 20th century centered on a limited role of the federal government in domestic affairs, traditional values, and a strong international presence.
Join me tomorrow as I explain Reaganomics in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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