AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Election of 1896 (Day 204/309)
Jan 26, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about the Election of 1896 as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Survival of the Fittest, Wikimedia Commons
The Election of 1896 took place during a period of economic turmoil and agrarian discontent. It was largely defined by the fierce debate over the nation's monetary policy.
Cross of Gold Speech, Wikimedia Commons
The Populist Party, aligning with the Democrats, formed a fusion ticket supporting William Jennings Bryan. His impassioned "Cross of Gold" speech supporting bimetallism at the Democratic National Convention particularly resonated with the concerns of debt-ridden farmers.
McKinley’s Front Porch Campaign & Bryan Speech, Wikimedia Commons
The Republicans, led by William McKinley, favored a conservative approach, supporting the gold standard to maintain economic stability. McKinley's front porch campaign, well-funded by industrialists and bankers, contrasted with Bryan's populist-style tour, addressing large crowds across the nation.
Election of 1896, 270 to Win
McKinley's triumph marked the ascendancy of the Republican Party and the maintenance of the gold standard, shaping economic policy for years to come and contributing to the decline of the Populist movement.
In the Election of 1896, Republican William McKinley bested the Democratic-Populist candidate William Jennings Bryan which reflected the increased power and influence of wealthy industrialists and conservative monetary policies.
Join me tomorrow as we head to APUSH Period 7 with Progressivism in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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