
AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Election of 1800 (Day 76/309)

Sep 19, 2023

Welcome to today’s explanation of the Election of 1800 in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!

John Adams, Second President, Library of Congress

During John Adams’ presidency, the nation continued to be plagued by foreign affairs. Additionally, the expansion of federal power, especially through the deeply unpopular Alien and Sedition Acts, led to a significant loss in popularity for the Federalist Party.

1800 Election Results, 270 to Win

In a unique result, both Democratic Republican Candidates, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied with 73 electoral votes. A special election in the House of Representatives occurred and eventually Jefferson was selected.

The 12th Amendment, Wikimedia Commons

The complications from the election led to the creation and ratification of the 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which simplified procedure for presidential elections by using one “ticket” for a president and vice president team.

Thomas Jefferson, The White House Historical Association

Jefferson was inaugurated in what became known as the “peaceful revolution.” While Adams had desired to continue in the executive office, the passing of power from one party to the other was done without violence. This was a major indication that the U.S. constitutional system would endure.

In the election of 1800, replacing John Adams, Democratic Republican candidate Thomas Jefferson was elected. 

Join me tomorrow as I explain the Louisiana Purchase in the next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!

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