AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: Election of 1796 (Day 73/309)
Sep 16, 2023
Welcome to today’s explanation of the Election of 1796 in my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
1796 Presidential Candidates, U.S. Capitol Historical Society
Several candidates sought the executive office in 1796. John Adams was the predominant Federalist candidate and Thomas Jefferson was the primary candidate for the Democratic Republicans.
1796 Popular Vote, Vote Archive
While the initial election of Washington was done only by electors, the American public was able to cast ballots in some states during the fall of 1796. However, most states limited voters to adult, white, men who owned land.
1796 Election Results, 270 to Win
John Adams won the election with 71 electoral votes. However, Jefferson obtained the second highest vote total making him Vice President. This would be only the presidency in which the President and Vice President would be members of opposing parties.
John Adams, The White House Historical Association
When Adams was inaugurated the regional political divide was already evident, Adams emphasized political unity in his address and expressed a commitment to neutrality to foreign affairs.
In the election of 1796, John Adams, a Federalist was elected with support coming primarily from the Northeast. However, Thomas Jefferson, a Democratic Republican, became Vice President, which created a challenging environment for the new administration.
Join me tomorrow as I explain the XYZ Affair in our next APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
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