AP US History in 1 Minute Daily: 21st Century Social Movements (Day 309/309)
May 12, 2024
Hey APUSHers, let’s chat about 21st Century Social Movements as part of my series- APUSH in 1 Minute Daily!
Use of Social Media, Pew Research
In the 21st century, the United States has witnessed a resurgence of social movements advocating for reform and equality.
BLM Protest March, Wikimedia Commons
The increase in grassroots activism drove social change in movements including Occupy Wall Street, which protested economic inequality and corporate influence in politics and the Black Lives Matter movement, which protests police violence and systemic racism against Black communities.
Angela Davis and Women’s March, Wikimedia Commons
Women's rights movements, including the Women's March in 2017 and #MeToo movement, mobilized millions to demand gender equality and reproductive rights and empower survivors to speak up, sparking conversations about consent, power dynamics, and workplace harassment.
LGBTQ+ rights movements have also gained momentum, leading to landmark legal victories such as the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2015.
San Francisco School Climate Strike, Wikimedia Commons
Environmental activism, exemplified by the global youth-led climate strikes inspired by Greta Thunberg, has pushed for urgent action to address climate change and protect the planet's future.
Social movements in the 21st century experiences a new phase of growth fueled by the increased usage of social media platforms to amplify voices, mobilize activists, and raise awareness to push for greater justice and equality.
Tomorrow… you take your APUSH test. Best of luck to you and I hope this series was helpful for your preparation and review!
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